3 Essential Dust Control Strategies for Your Business

dust control strategies

When presenting your business, you want it to be as clean as possible. However, clean doesn’t just mean sparkling floors and organized shelves and furniture. You want to make sure your establishment is free of dust.

Dust not only looks bad and can reflect poorly on your business in the eyes of your customers, but many people are allergic or at least sensitive to dust. As many as 10 percent of Americans are allergic to dust mites and, in some regions, dust plays a role in 90 percent of allergic asthma cases. 

As a full-service provider of dust control solutions, NDC understands how important it is combat dust before it grows into a bigger problem for customers and employees alike.

Here are three essential dust control strategies that will help rid your business of dust and how NDC can help you today:

Rent High-Quality Towels

Towels are some of the most cost-efficient, environmentally-friendly, and effective tools you can use to clean every nook and cranny of your business, clearing out unwanted dust. High-quality towels can fight just about any mess your establishment encounters, as long as you’re renting from a top-notch provider.

Because towels come in a variety of styles and sizes, they are suitable to eliminate dust from even the tightest corners of your business. 

Invest in the Best Wet and Dust Mops

Mops are great tools to combat dust, grime, dirt, and other unwanted messes on your business’s floors. Wet mops are great because they’re heavy-duty and can withstand repeated exposure to water, strong floor cleaners, oil, and mud.

Dust mops are the real MVPs because they swoop in and get rid of on-the-surface dust, dirt, and debris. If the wet mop leaves anything behind, you can count on the dust mop to pick it up. Dust mops, as the name implies, are made to get rid of dust as effectively as possible without doing any damage to your floors.

Get Some Durable Floor Mats

Floor mats aren’t just for show; they are essential in keeping your business looking and staying as professional and clean as possible.They also keep employees and customers safe from slip-and-fall accidents.

High-quality floor mats are designed to stop dust in its tracks before it even has the chance to enter your establishment. By trapping dust, dirt, and debris at the door, you stay one step ahead, saving both valuable time and money. 

Get the Best Dust Control Solutions Now!

NDC is your one-stop-shop for all your dust control needs. From towels to dust and wet mops, high-quality floor mats and more, we have what you need to keep your business looking as professional and clean as possible.

For more information on our dust control solutions, contact us today for a free quote at (800) 238-2387.